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Methodology 26 Oct 2023
EODS Welcomes OSCE/ODIHR Election Administration Handbook in Vienna Seminar

EODS Team Leader Holly Ruthrauff participated in the OSCE/ODIHR Election Seminar on Election Observation and Assessment of Election Administration in Vienna on 24 October. This year’s seminar wa...

Methodology 11 Oct 2023
EODS visits EU EOM Maldives to reflect on approach to recommendations

EODS Team Leader Holly Ruthrauff traveled to Malé, capital of the Maldives, from 27 September - 3 October to join the EU EOM Maldives 2023 and observe the second round of the presidential elect...

Methodology 20 Jul 2021
EUEOMs Facebook page launched to act as a central hub for all communication on EU election observation

On 14 July EODS launched the official Facebook page of the European Union Election Observation Missions (EU EOMs). This new channel aims to act as a central hub for all communication related to the EU...

Methodology 25 Jun 2021
Press Officers Workshop: Enhancing communication on election observation missions, 22-23 June

The creation of audio-visual material compliant with the EU Data Protection Regulation and the development of new strategies to reach out to EU audiences were some of the main topics of discussion dur...

Methodology 10 Jun 2021
Training on EU Election Observation and Follow-up to recommendations

On 25-26 May, EODS co-organized an online training for EU officials from Delegations in different countries and Headquarters on ‘EU Election Observation and Follow-up to recommendations’. ...

Sep 30
EODS key experts visit EU EOMs Jordan and Sri Lanka

The EU Election Observation Missions (EOMs) in Jor...

Sep 26
New training for Legal Analysts held in Brussels

As part of a new training cycle aimed at members o...