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Indicative training schedule


Please note that types, subjects and calendar for the trainings organised by EODS are determined by the Service for Foreign Policy Instruments (FPI) of the European Commission and the European External Action Service (EEAS). Three types of events/courses are typically held:

  1. Trainings for Core Team members: these are beginners courses targeting eligible applicants with little or no core team experience in EU EOMs. Such trainings aim to provide the necessary skills and knowledge to work as a member of the core team in EU EOMs. Participation is upon selection after online application.
  2. Workshops: these are advanced courses targeting experienced EU EOM analysts. This type of events aims to encourage peer discussion, experience sharing, methodological updates and to increase knowledge on specific subjects pertaining to the EOM areas of analysis and assessment. Participation is upon selection after online application or upon invitation.
  3. Webinars: these are short on-line gatherings that intend to raise awareness of the EU EOM community about emerging issues and also to respond to the high level of interest in receiving more information on these areas of rapidly developing methodology. Typically, EODS Webinars will last up to 2 hours and an expert on the relevant field will be invited as keynote speaker.
Type of training Date Procedure Type


The African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance (ACDEG) and its implementation

Keynote speaker: Andrew SONGA (Charter Project Africa)

8 February 2024

(2 - 3:30PM CET)

Upon registration On-line


Observation of use of state/public resources in elections - a local approach

Keynote speakers: Robert Lech (Fundacja Odpowiedzialna Polityka / Political Accountability Foundation -

15 Febuary 2024

(2 - 3:30PM CET)

Upon registration On-line
Campaign Finance Advanced Training 19 - 20 March 2024 Upon invitation In person


Lessons Learned Processes for Election Management Bodies (EMBs): Advancing to the Next Elections

Keynote speakers: Hannah Roberts / Staffan Darnolf (IFES -

26 March 2024

(3 - 4:30PM CET)

Upon registration On-line
Election Analyst Training 9 - 12 April 2024 Upon application In person


Online campaign: challenges for women in politics and elections

Keynote speakers: Ingrid Bicu / Lourdes González Prieto

17 April 2024

(3 - 4:30PM CET)

Upon registration On-line


Political participation of LGBTI+ persons

Keynote speaker: Lluís JUAN

8 May 2024

(2 - 3:30PM CET)

Upon registration On-line
Conflict Prevention and Resolution Skills Training 27 - 28 May 2024 Upon invitation In person
Press Officer Training 25 - 28 June 2024 Upon application In person


FIMI (Foreign Information Manipulation& Interference) operations targeting European Parliament Elections 2024

Keynote speaker: Chiara PACENTI

9 July 2024

(3 - 4:30PM CET)

Upon registration On-line
Legal Analyst Training 17 - 20 September 2024 Upon application In person


Registration for the Webinar on Where is the money for women’s electoral campaigns? Perspectives from the Inter-American Commission of Women

Keynote speaker: Marta Martínez

2 October 2024

(4 - 5:30PM CET)

Apply now On-line


Please also verify carefully before applying the type of training event, as well as the criteria for eligibility. You can also refer to the How to apply section for further information on the application criteria.