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Social platforms, content moderation and freedom of expression discussed in first EODS webinar

Social platforms, content moderation and freedom of expression discussed in first EODS webinar

Joan Barata, from The Center for Internet and Society of Stanford University, addressed EODS webinar participants on 26 April on the topic of Social platforms, content moderation and freedom of expression in elections. Barata has done extensive research in these areas of freedom of expression, freedom of information and media regulation, working and collaborating with various universities and academic centers, from Asia to Africa and America.

The webinar gathered over 50 participants including those with professional experience as Core Team members or Long-Term Observers (LTOs) in European Union Election Observation Missions (EU EOMs).  Participants with election observation experience working with other organisations also joined the conversation.

The EODS webinars are short on-line gatherings that aim to raise awareness within the EU election observation community about emerging issues. Such events have been organised in response to the high level of interest to receive more information on areas of rapidly developing methodology.

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