Refresher training for Media Analysts

Refresher training for Media Analysts

A refresher training for Media Analysts was organised by EODS aiming at reviewing and updating some methodological aspects related to media monitoring within European Union Election Observation Missions (EU EOMs).

Different approaches to media monitoring, as well as the discussion of challenging scenarios faced by media analysts during their assignments were reviewed throughout the two-day online event that took place on 30 September and 1 October. The activity also focused on the reporting requirements, how to present the media monitoring findings for a wide audience and discussed some general guidelines on how to draft media-related recommendations. The training was targeted at media experts familiarised with the media monitoring methodology.

Traditional media (radio, broadcast television and print) and new media (Internet-based platforms) play an enhanced role before, during and after elections. In this context, the assessment of the conditions for the free and independent functioning of the media, as well as of the media coverage of election campaigns, are a fundamental part of election observation methodology. And that is the role of the Media Analyst within EU EOMs.

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