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LAS-UN Forum of Electoral Management Bodies in the Arab States

LAS-UN Forum of Electoral Management Bodies in the Arab States

The second Forum of Electoral Management Bodies in the Arab States opened today in Cairo. The Forum is taking place on 13-14 November at the League’s headquarters. The Forum is organised as part of the cooperation between the League of Arab States’ Electoral Affairs Department, the United Nations Electoral Assistance Division and UNDP’s Regional Electoral Support for the Arab States. It offers a platform for member states to gather, establishing renewed cooperation and communication channels between and among themselves as well as with relevant regional and international organisations.

The second Forum is aimed at enhancing and consolidating the achievements of the first Forum, held in May 2016. The theme of the second Forum is on voter registration with a focus on a regional exchange of experiences and lessons learnt on voter registration systems and processes. On behalf of EEAS, EODS is attending the event. Participants included Member States of the League of Arab States (head of the electoral body, representative responsible for voter registration) as well as regional and international organisations engaged in the field of elections.

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