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Fifth EU Compendium of International Standards for Elections launched online

Fifth EU Compendium of International Standards for Elections launched online

EODS is pleased to announce the launch of the fifth edition of the EU Compendium of International Standards for Elections. This edition of the Compendium has been developed as an online resource to allow for updating on an ongoing basis and is available on the EODS website. The Compendium provides an overview of international and regional standards for elections, an explanation of human rights protection systems and election-related jurisprudence, the key relevant texts per geographical area, information on standards by area of assessment and a list of relevant good practice documents. It is complemented by the database of international election-related case-law.

The Compendium, together with the Handbook for EU Election Observation, is designed as a reference tool for people working on EU election missions, but may also be useful to other interested election stakeholders and practitioners.

Available here.

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